1AID4WIN.ZIP1,257,278 07-11-95 First Aid v1.2eh. Demo - try & buy. Helpsdiagnose and fix problems.
3DKB24.ZIP 107,396 08-14-95 3-D Keyboard v2.4. Makes it simple to typeall the characters in your fonts, not justthe ones shown on your keyboard. 3-DKeyboard lets you easily type letters andsymbols, fractions, currency and mathsymbols, more.
4NT251.ZIP 390,873 08-22-95 4DOS/NT v2.51 <ASP> Command processor forWin NT. Command enhancements, over 50 newcommands, many other unique command-linetools.
95LOGO.ZIP 24,347 08-31-95 Alternate shutdown banner in Win95.
ABOOL20.ZIP 178,404 07-28-95 Bool Text Searcher v2.0. Search, displayfiles and directories. Auto save ofsettings. Many options to tailor searches.Supports AND OR conditions. Works witheditors.
ACTWIN13.ZIP1,625,767 07-21-95 Action Process Automator v1.3 <ASP> Loadingit from the StartUp group, it takes chargeover predetermined tasks, triggering themwhenever they are scheduled to occur. Whenloaded, it appears iconized and is inbusiness.
ADOMN226.ZIP 307,251 08-19-95 Anno Domini v2.26. View a calendar for anymonth between the years 1753 and 2153,national holidays for the UK, USA, Canadaand Europe, Christian festivals, moonphases and sunrise and sunset times for anylocation.
ADVTASK.ZIP 108,189 07-17-95 AdvTask v1.0. Provides information onConfigurable System Level Memory and yourODBC configuration.
ANIMOUSE.ZIP 79,647 09-17-95 AniMouse v5.0. Animates Windows mousecursors with your selections for the arrow,hourglass and sizers. Packed withartistically creative and amusing designsto choose from.
ANISCR11.ZIP 291,277 07-21-95 AniScr v1.1. Screen saver that displays theAutodesk Animator Flic (.FLI or .FLC) ofyour choice and plays a sound (.WAV) file;Embedded SubDirs.
APL24WIN.ZIP 82,825 07-13-95 Apple II Emulator - Emulates the Apple IIenvironment in a window.
ASSIST.ZIP 496,179 07-25-95 C.C.S. Assistant. Titlebar menu utilityoffers quick access to utilities, audio CDplayer, time display, access to ProgMangroups and more.
AT30E.ZIP 130,864 09-01-95 Applicaiton Timer Scheduler v3.0e. Launchprograms unattended. Can launch everyminute, hourly, weekly, monthly, or end-of-month. Schedule printing, communications,etc. Includes features such as drag anddrop, 3D look, e
ATASK13C.ZIP 234,874 08-01-95 Auto Task v1.3c. Automated taskprocessor/manger lets you schedule anyapplication to run at specific timeswithout user intervention. Individual taskscan be scheduled to run by interval, day,week, month or date.
ATNT13C.ZIP 223,579 08-04-95 Auto Task for Windows NT v1.3c.
AZ_CK38.ZIP 1,211,954 07-15-95 Amazing Clock Screen Saver v3.9. Time istold by wonderful mountain views. happyeagles sing and glide over rivers andforest. That is, views will be changedevery two hours to indicate time accordingto REAL time.
BMPRAN20.ZIP 395,610 07-03-95 Randomly changes your background(wallpaper) each time you log into Windowsor each time you run it. You can set it upto change a maximum of once a day.
BMPSAV13.ZIP 65,558 07-21-95 Bitmap Saver v1.3. Screen saver thatflashes, slides or displays bitmap filesaround the screen; setup window keeps alist of the bitmaps from which you canselect to use only some files from the listor use all of them.
BOOTPA10.ZIP 12,681 09-19-95 Boot Partitition v1.0 for Win NT. Easytools for add one partition in the WindowsNT multi boot menu.
BPUT95.ZIP 619,756 07-24-95 Barry Press Utilities for W95.
CALPSC20.ZIP 443,022 07-04-95 Perpetual Calendar v2.0. Can be accessed byhot-key. Allows you to print a calendar ofany month or year. Contains a Julian Dateconverter and calculates the number of daysbetween 2 dates.
CANT12.ZIP 1,297,195 08-22-95 Canticle Images v1.30 <ASP> Inspirationalscreen saver with professional photography.
CARDPD11.ZIP 208,417 09-14-95 CardPad v1.10. Card style simple wordprocessor most suitable for producing cardstyle documents, business cards and labels.
CARDSM21.ZIP 329,347 09-11-95 Cards More v2.10 <ASP> For labels, cards,etc. 10 graphics formats, many textattributes, including 180-degree rotation,Code39 bar codes, POSTNET, import, merge,drag & drop, snap-to-grid.
CDMINIBR.ZIP 213,749 07-06-95 CD Minibar v1.0. Full featured utilitiestiny space. CD Player, Calendar, Disk PieGraph, Set Time, check path and directory,and Windows Resource graphs.
CHATCOM5.ZIP 136,442 08-22-95 ChatComp v1.05. Chat with your hard drivegame. Needs drive with .TXT and .DOC filesfrom Green Line Software Specifydirectories to use. Monolog mode.
CLIP180.ZIP 82,289 08-29-95 Clipwatcher v1.80. Traps as many as 18 textclips sent to your clipboard while youedit, then you may use the internal editorto drag and drop from one to another or tothe printer.
CLIPNP10.ZIP 412,640 08-12-95 Clip-N-Print v1.0. Print graphic imagesdirect from the clipboard. There areseveral view and edit commands available,making this utility very versatile and easy.
CLIPPRNT.ZIP 8,249 07-18-95 Clipprnt v2.0. Prints whatever is on theclipboard as long as it is a standardpicture (Metafile, BMP or DIB) or plaintext.
CMNDPRO3.ZIP 739,665 08-06-95 Command Pro v3.0. The absolute bestfile/directory manager! 24 tool barbuttons, 12 automatic path buttons and 60command buttons with features such asclone, copy as, move as, view diz, delete,rename, more!
CNVCIC13.ZIP 137,967 07-25-95 Converts the CICA index file to the SIMTELIDX format. This IDX format can be used bydifferent programs to make a database outof it such as SimView.
COPILOT.ZIP 74,321 08-16-95 CoPilot - Pop-up program launcher which canuse Program Manager group information.
CYBSIT.ZIP 279,313 07-17-95 CyberSitter v1.1. Block access to commontypes of graphics files, as well asspecific files and programs. Can alert youwhen specific files or types of files havebeen accessed.
DAM21R3.ZIP 364,185 08-06-95 DOS Application Menu v2.13. Run any DOSprogram under Windows.
DATEFI30.ZIP 25,092 08-06-95 DateFind v3.0. Browse through the calendar& transfer a date into your applicationwhenever you want.
DF95V12.ZIP 512,441 08-09-95 Drag and File v1.2 for Win 95/NT <ASP> Verypowerful and easy file manager. Copy, move,view, zip files from single or multiplewindows. Config toolbar. DOS command line.Format. Diskcopy. File Icons. Views fileson all dr
DIALI32D.ZIP 207,986 07-22-95 Dial-It Pro v3.2.0d. Dial telephone numbersdirectly from text documents and otherWindows apps. Keeps a log with date, time,duration, number dialed and recipient.
DIMAGE15.ZIP 305,765 07-30-95 Disk Image v1.50. Display and print a graphof your disk space utilization, bydirectory or extension.
DIRMATCH.ZIP 155,990 08-15-95 DirMatch v1.6. Matches two directories.Side by side directories are displayed withfunctions provided to Copy, Edit, Compareand Delete files, Update directory and alltheir sub-directories.
DISKR121.ZIP 142,687 08-18-95 Diskers: Disk Duplicator v1.21. Creatediskette Image files from floppys. Use themto re-create the original diskettes at alater time. Perfect for installationdiskettes.
DK050.ZIP 387,180 07-28-95 DisKing v0.5.0. File manager replacementand a lot more. Do everything from thekeyboard as well as view files in numerousformats without having to start anapplication.
DLMS10B.ZIP 90,274 07-16-95 Document List Management System for Win 95.Extends the functionality of the"Documents" folder in the "Start" menu. Itallows you to load/save document lists,remove one, some, or all documents, protectdocuments from rem
DMPDSK11.ZIP 174,440 07-31-95 Dump Disk v1.1 for Win NT. Hex disk editorwith support for NTFS.
DMSDAY10.ZIP 846,630 07-18-95 Doomsday Screen Saver v1.00 <ASP> Photoscreen saver featuring nuclear blast imagesin true color. Ever felt like nuking yourPC? Had such a bad day you'd like the worldto end?
DOCMAN13.ZIP 150,640 08-04-95 DocMan v1.3 for Win 95. 32-Bit app extendsthe functionality of the "Documents" folderin the "Start" menu. Open documents,load/save document lists, remove one, some,or all documents, protect documents fromremoval, add
DPIRESRC.ZIP 78,958 07-17-95 DPIResource - System resource monitor showsremaining system resources, GDI resources,User resources, Global Heap Memory,available file handles and free disk space.
EVENT23.ZIP 32,301 08-06-95 Event Reminder v2.2. Store important datesand reminders in a database and providereminders of these events.
EXPANDIX.ZIP 78,727 08-05-95 Expandix - Expands compressed files. Greatfor missing or brain-dead install programs.No more manual filespec entries forLZEXPAND.
FDFRG.ZIP 75,337 08-12-95 Disc-Organize v1.0. Screen-saver visuallymimics a file defragmentation utility,while leaving your disk alone.
FFLBL.ZIP 354,024 07-03-95 Financial Freedom Labels v1.20 <ASP> Createmailing labels with a "drag and drop"design interface. Add lines, rectangles,pictures and text. Use all your fonts andbitmaps. Links to Paintbrush for editing/creating pictur
FILEC152.ZIP 459,503 08-13-95 Your File Cabinet v1.52. Application andfile utility that uses folders that eachhave a variety of features. Several foldershave user configurable buttons.
FILEFND3.ZIP 7,430 08-14-95 File Find v3.0. Locate any file in yoursystem easily and quickly.
FINDEXE.ZIP 100,654 08-16-95 FindExe v1.11. View all loaded modules andinformation about the files belonging tothem, load/unload modules, find out wherefiles are loaded or would be loaded from ifrequested, rename/delete files and more.
FINDIT11.ZIP 319,079 08-07-95 Find-It v1.1. Fast file locating and spaceusage reporting utility. Search for filesin subdirectory trees by name, substring orfile date, and produces pie charts andreports on what directories are taking upspace on any
FL_SAR20.ZIP 442,342 07-10-95 Freelance Search and Replace v2.0. Textsearch and replace capabilities for LotusFreelance for Windows. Acts as an externalprogram to Freelance.
FMANG230.ZIP 178,781 09-06-95 Font Man v2.30. Select fonts forinstallation maintains a complete list ofinstalled fonts, versus ones that are notcurrently used in the system, you may alsoview and print fonts.
FMXTOUCH.ZIP 19,270 07-11-95 Touch v1.1. File Manager extension thatallows you to set the modification date andtime for a file. Options are also includedto quickly lock and unlock selected files.
FNABC11B.ZIP 90,503 08-05-95 Font-ABC v1.1B. Helps you keep an overviewof the fonts in your system; view & printevery printable font using your own sampletext in any size and style that you wish.
FOLDERSZ.ZIP 75,338 09-02-95 FolderSize for Win 95. Shell extensionavailable by rightclicking a folder. Scansthe folder, and all of it's subfolders andgives a pop-up display of the total numberof files, and their total size.
FONTVIEW.ZIP 120,573 08-15-95 Font Manager Preview all your screen andprinter fonts.
FP181_SW.ZIP 364,720 09-14-95 File Plus v1.81. The Ultimate Windows FileManager! Features: PKZip front end. Zip,Unzip, View and perform multi-volumebackups all with a few simple clicks of amouse button. 100% fully customizable userinterface. 126 u
FP50.ZIP 194,398 07-31-95 Flying Perfect v5.0. Screen saver where avariety of flying styles are provided:instead of flying Windows logo, you can flyyour own images.
FREETIME.ZIP 159,313 07-18-95 Timer v1.0. Displays elapsed time and 3Danimated logo.
FRENET34.ZIP 192,172 08-17-95 Frenetic v3.4. Screen saver with endlesscolorful graphic abstractions are paintedfrom a wealth of drawing elements.
FVIEW100.ZIP 120,340 08-09-95 Font Manager/Viewer v1.00. Helps youorganize all of the fonts on your HD; youcan see how many screen/printer fonts youhave, and display previews of both.
FVU14_16.ZIP 133,034 08-08-95 File Viewer v1.4. File viewer and FileManager extension that lets you browse orprint the contents of files; it displaysASCII, hex dump, or raw text; highlycustomizable.
FXEDIT.ZIP 44,347 08-18-95 File Editor v1.1. View and modify binaryfiles. Search for specified hexadecimal andASCII strings.
G2I14.ZIP 117,768 08-02-95 Grp2ini v1.4. Convert a Windows GRP (group)formatted file into a text file for editing.
GAYICONS.ZIP 2,053 07-04-95 Small collection of icons with gay andlesbian themes to make your PC complete.
GCKWIN70.ZIP 454,864 07-24-95 GeoClock v7.0. Sunlight clock. The currentsun position is displayed, parts of theearth in sunlight and twilight arehighlighted, with local sunrise/set andtimes around the world.
GO10_WPA.ZIP 121,874 08-21-95 Go v1.0. Process automation. Run batch ofcommand lines or find already running apps.Resize, place, hide windows. Send key hits.Perform DDE poke, DDE execute. Place texton clipboard. Play .wav files.
GREPREG.ZIP 14,542 09-10-95 Grep Reg v1.0 for Win 95/NT. Search for astring on the registry.
GTK10.ZIP 315,555 08-22-95 Global Timekeeper v1.0. Keeps track of thelocal times of the world's 30 time zones.The application comes with many analogclocks which continually update on a singledisplay or you may select an individualclock.
HOGS_15.ZIP 190,119 08-20-95 Hogs v1.5. Find the biggest memory hogs.Which programs use the most memory? Listsall running programs in order of mostmemory used to least.
IBAR31.ZIP 195,676 07-13-95 InfoBar v3.1. Program Manager replacement.Displays the date and time in a smallwindow on the desktop, and provides instantaccess to all ProgMan groups and runningtasks. Features a pop-up command line andmore.
ICNCTL44.ZIP 576,706 08-30-95 Icons Control v4.4. Displays 100 iconssimultaneously for vewing, copying,renaming, and deleting using drag/dropmethod, mouse clicks, or hotkeys. IconsControl even displays icons inside DLL andEXE files and extracts th
ICNMVR22.ZIP 217,410 07-13-95 Icon Mover v2.2. Enables you to transfericon & icon-related device independentbitmaps (32x32, 16-color) from 1 app/groupof apps to another; icons can be extractedinto ICO files directly by rightclicking onthem.
ICNTF2.ZIP 154,158 07-01-95 Icon Thief v2.0. Search and find iconsembedded in EXE and DLL files. View eachIcon. You also have the option to save thedisplayed Icon to an ICO file.
ICOMIN15.ZIP 112,792 08-11-95 IconMini v1.5. Manages minimized icons. Theicons are compacted either vertically orhorizontally into a selected screen corner.Additional functions of restart, exit,reboot and program run.
ICONBULD.ZIP 547,530 08-18-95 More Control v2.0/ICL Builder v1.0. Accessmany of those settings that Microsoft didnot include in the Control Panel. Build andmaintain icon libraries for use withProgram Manager and other programs.
ICONDUDE.ZIP 513,134 07-06-95 Icon Dude v1.32. Comes complete with 500colorful and unique icons that you may usein your Windows programs just as they are,or you may change them around to suityourself with editor.
ICONMA24.ZIP 212,654 09-06-95 Icon Master v2.40. Icon display/editprogram that provides drag and drop fromviewer to editor a very powerful editorwith many features that allow the user toeasily design Icons.
ICONPAD.ZIP 236,342 07-28-95 IconPad v2.4. Desktop program launcherusing your mouse. All Program Groups andtheir Icons are accessible all the time.Support for the right mouse button toaccess special features!
ICX210.ZIP 142,891 08-06-95 Icon Extract v2.10. Extracts icons fromDLL/NIL/EXE/ICL format files and saves theminto ICO/bmp file format, Maintains amaster list of Icon libraries for your use.
ID_WT572.ZIP 386,495 07-06-95 World Time Clock v5.72. Indicates thecurrent time in most timezones around theworld and takes Summer Time (DST)automatically into account (both in theNorthern- and Southern-hemisphere).
IMPCR16.ZIP 974,647 08-08-95 Image Master Plus v1.60 <ASP> Create apersonal screen-saver and image viewer withthis application tailored for amature andprofessional photographers, artists, andillustrators. Produce an attractive slideshow.
INFBAR10.ZIP 34,945 09-07-95 InfoBar v1.0. Displays time, date, freememory and system resources on a small infobar at the top or bottom of the screen.
INFOP10.ZIP 203,682 08-16-95 InfoPlay v1.0. Combination audio CD playerand system resource monitor.
INI220.ZIP 183,133 08-08-95 INI Manager v2.20. Manage your INI fileswith this program. Understands the internalstructure and will allow you to searchbased on section headers in large files.
INIO31G.ZIP 218,819 08-21-95 Ini 'Ol Editer v3.1g. Designed to makeediting INI files such as WIN.INI,SYSTEM.INI and others simple and quick. Thebutton bar allows for quick loading andsaving.
IN_AM17.ZIP 1,043,500 07-11-95 Incredible America v1.7 Screen saver.Experience a variety of amazing views inAmerica: happy birds sing and glide overrivers and forests.
IN_AS18.ZIP 854,583 07-23-95 Incredible Asia v1.8 Screen saver.
IN_EU18.ZIP 997,162 07-24-95 Incredible Europe v1.8 Screen saver.
IN_JP18.ZIP 894,514 07-24-95 Incredible Japan v1.8) Screen saver.
IN_SP17.ZIP 333,978 07-31-95 Incredible Space v1.7 Screen saver.
ISPY242.ZIP 798,162 08-03-95 InfoSpy v2.42. Combines the power of aresource monitor, task scheduler,environment spy, system alarms, screencapture utility, on-top utility and Windowsactivity tracing.
JCALW.ZIP 217,173 07-20-95 JCAL - View and print Jewish calendars.Converts between Gregorian and Jewishdates, determine dates of Jewish holidays,create anniversary lists.
JEWSAV15.ZIP 240,257 04-29-123 Jewish Screen Saver v1.5 <ASP> Shows lovelyanimated Jewish clipart for the holydaysand for everyday. Teach your computer andyour family some Yiddishkite withillustrations for Shabbat, Chanuka and more.
JL_FT28.ZIP 353,265 07-15-95 Jurassic Land Forest v2.8 Screen saver.Experience a jurassic evening withdinosaurs.
JOKEADAY.ZIP 237,072 08-22-95 Yo Mama Joke-A-Day Calendar. Gives you 2weeks of hilarious Yo mama jokes, 1 eachday when you start Windows.
KIDPRF10.ZIP 242,932 08-16-95 Kidproof v1.00. Protects your programs whenyour kids are using your PC. Lets youcreate your kid's personalized desktopwithin Program Manager.
KSINK131.ZIP 325,348 07-29-95 Kitchen Sink v1.31. Unique utility thatprovides many features for the user. Anextensive launch facility that may belocated anywhere on the desktop. Notepadwith automatic saving by date. CalendarNotes search facility.
LABELGO.ZIP 294,762 07-04-95 LabelGo v1.02. Full-featured labeldesign/print program. Prints labels,envelopes and cheques! Can read data rightfrom your existing databases (includingremote servers!) through Open DatabaseConnectivity (ODBC).
LAUNCHPD.ZIP 389,394 08-08-95 LaunchPad v1.03. Automatically runapplications or display a message at auser-specified time. Features a handytoolbar/statusbar, drag and drop support,Windows font support, automaticrescheduling and more.
LCDCLK12.ZIP 44,790 07-15-95 LCD Clock v1.2. Digital looking clock.Includes C source code.
LIGHT221.ZIP1,114,211 08-08-95 Lights Go Down v2.21 <ASP> Award winningscreen saver collection. 40 modules (overhalf in this version) with password &randomizer. Tremendous special effects,great animations.
LOUPE14.ZIP 29,306 08-04-95 Loupe v1.4. Displays a magnified view ofwhatever is beneath the cursor (mouse),much like a printer's or jeweler's loupe.
MANGO.ZIP 83,233 07-18-95 MangoMenu v2.2. Task Manager replacement.When you double click on the desktop, apopup menu is displayed near the mousepointer rather than the Task Manager'sdialog box.
MATCHMKR.ZIP 114,224 08-07-95 MatchMaker! Compares files in twodirectories. Displays all files with thesame name regardless of date and size, samename, date and size, same name butdifferent date or size or files in onedirectory but not the other.
MCDSK16C.ZIP 52,946 08-02-95 McDesk v1.6c. Provides a configurablemulti-desktop shell w/a powerful taskmanager & folders; drag'n'drop; multipledesktops; password protection for desktop &config mode; animated icons; cut/pasteicons across desktops;
MCLOCK.ZIP 92,474 07-06-95 Mouse Clock virtually becomes part of yourmouse pointer. It stays out of the way,while providing you with the current timeand free system resources.
MM102.ZIP 256,876 08-03-95 Macro Mouse v1.02. Provides a mouseinterface to command, launch, & switchbetween apps; assign a series of mouseclicks as a "Mouse Code" that triggersplayback of a macro; more.
MONSTR.ZIP 379,697 08-10-95 Button Monster. Button bar uses any numberof tabs to hold up to 25 apps each. Offersa quick Windows exit option, popup calendarwith holidays, resource monitor and a clock.
MOONPHAS.ZIP 13,194 07-17-95 Moon Phase v1.0a for Win 95. Displays thephase of the moon in the tray notificationarea.
MORSPC14.ZIP 263,195 09-11-95 More Space v1.4. Utilizes multiple methodsfor freeing up space on your hard drive.
MOTION.ZIP 46,451 07-27-95 Shattered Rose Studio's Animated cursorsfor Win 95.
MRMEM10.ZIP 188,453 07-05-95 Mr. Mem v1.0. Run more Windows programs.Have you ever seen this error message inWindows? "Insufficent memory to run thisapplication".
MSEL211A.ZIP 42,054 08-16-95 Menu Selector v2.11. Consists of programselector, launcher, menu editor andautomatic reminder.
MUANGL10.ZIP 367,269 08-24-95 Microangelo v1.0 for Win 95. Providesaccess to icons of all sizes and colorformats. Browse, manage, create and editicons from 8x8 to 64x64 pixels in size andup to 256 colors.
MYOSS.ZIP 16,336 08-09-95 Make Your Own Screen Saver. Displays BMPimages from a selected directory.